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Quote of the day 🙏🏾

Each individual represents a center in the mind of God. Because God’s center is everywhere, we’re one with the spirit of the living God. We’re connecting with God and each other at the very center of our being. We go beyond the externals of personalities, body types, colors, credos, religions, ethnicities, or sexual orientations. We are one with the power of God, with each other, and with the entire planet! The presence of God sent us here, and we are here to be supportive of individuals that are waking up to waking up, because that is the game we’re playing on this planet. Not acquiring, getting, or hoarding. We’re waking up to understanding that where we already are is all of the power, presence, love, joy, and abundance that we’ll ever need. And we are here to circulate, express, and manifest it and reveal the realm of ever-expanding good right here on Earth. We’re not meant to be playing the “pie in the sky when you die” religiosity. We are here to be playing Heaven on Earth until Earth becomes Heaven. Because we’re here, and we’re awake, and we’re now. Will you play the game of Heaven on Earth and unconditional love and acceptance for yourself and others? Can I get an “Amen” in the comments below?✨

Haus of Asseveration
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