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In what was supposed to be a 20-minute video, I discuss the ways that zombies (and other revenants) have evolved in folklore, pop culture, and history. What did Zora Neale Hurston, Wade Davis, and William Seabrook find when they visited Haiti? How did other Haitian events– revolution, stigma about voodoo, American occupation in 1915, dictatorships– shape beliefs and fuel urban legend? How did zombies go from enslaved workers to bloodthirsty plague carriers?

[The Walking Dead, Article 249, Article 246., White Zombie, Bela Lugosi, Dracula, Halloween history, scary history, spooky history, Haitian history, American History, Jean Jacques Dessalines, Papa Doc Duvalier, Michael Jackson Thriller, tetrodoxin, the last of us, the making of Michael Jackson’s Thriller, Baron Samedi, how to pronounce Baron Samedi, Tell My Horse, Duane Jones, Black horror history, Sugar Hill Zombies, Of Mules and Men, black folklore, black history, zombification, night of the living dead, George Romero, zombie science, zombie apocalypse, zombie survival, Max Brooks, World War Z, Brad Pitt, Tony Todd, Dawn of The Dead, Dawn of The Dead Mall, Tom Savini, Greg Nicotero, Wiedergänger, vrykolakas, draugr, gjengangers, jiangshi, hopping vampire, taoism, sorcery, qing dynasty, headless horsemen, ghost stories, nzambi, zumbi, bokor, ti bon ange, gros bon ange, horror history, horror movie history, the evil dead]

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0:00– INTRO
2:02– Revenants in World History
7:02– The Haitian Zombi– Real or Fake?
22:03– 1960s-70s Zombies
27:17– 80s Zombies and Thriller
29:08– 90s-2000s Zombies and Plagues/Terrorism
32:36– Zombies Go Viral
36:13– The Walking Dead Phenomenon
41:13– More Zombies and Conclusion


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