Meditation is NOT what you think…. | How to MEDITATE in your OWN way? | Evidence of Meditation | What is Meditation? Does Meditation Work?
Hey everyone! I hope, affirm, believe, pray and speak into existence; you all had a blissful day and even if you didn’t I hope you ground and bring yourself back to the trust that everything is working out and teaching you what you need to know in this moment!
In today’s episode, I felt it HEAVY in my heart to bring in the topic of “meditation”. Now meditation has many stereotypes and perceptions on whether it is valid or not. In this episode I make it my priority to destigmatize whether meditation is effective or not through a spiritual, philosophy and biological psychological perspective.
Misconceptions through society can heavily impact how we view many things in our day to day life but being open-minded and having a clear perspective can go a long way in life, more specifically your personal life!
Links discussed in the video:,and%20then%20react%20to%20them.
Questions to consider regarding the topic of meditation:
1. Have you ever Intentionally sat down and meditated?
2. Is there a specific activity in your personal life that reminds you of what meditation could look like for you?
3. What specific goals or outcomes do I hope to achieve through meditation?
4. How do I currently manage stress and difficult emotions? Could these be forms of meditation for yourself?
5. How can I integrate meditation into my daily routine?
#Meditation #Spirituality #Philosophy #Psychology #Manifestation #Wellness #Mindfulness #MindfulMeditation #Hypnotherapy #Psychotherapy
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